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樓主: ckw3031

Kharma 煲機碟









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發表於 2009-8-3 02:10 | 顯示全部樓層









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發表於 2009-8-3 10:07 | 顯示全部樓層
1# ckw3031

師煲咩喇叭 ?








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76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章

發表於 2010-8-15 01:10 | 顯示全部樓層
slickvic 發表於 2009-7-25 01:38

ckw3031 發表於 2009-7-25 01:55

Thanks Ching !!


成個鐘頭喇叭沙沙聲, 不過我烘個頭落十仔到都會同步一齊有做運動 !!!  我會用不同煲機碟間住煲 !!!

Featuring specifically designed cascade noise and frequency sweeps to burn-in cables
and components. Designed and developed by Matthew Bond of TARA Labs.
The CASCADE Noise™ Burn-in Disc
(Cable and Audio System - Capacitive and Diodic Effect)
Although there have been other so-called “burn-in” test discs used by audiophiles in the
past, the discs have mostly been a mix of pink noise and sweep tests tones. The new
CASCADE Noise Burn-in Disc is a proprietary combination of white noise with
frequency tone bursts and pink noise mixed at different levels. However, what makes it
really effective is a series of descending and ascending (cascading) multi-octave square
wave sweeps for better and more complete results than any “burn-in” discs that have been
made to date.
The CASCADE Noise Burn-in Disc may be used with any audio electronic component
and with audio cable including cables with attachments such as batteries or filter
networks. Before and after results will be obvious with any of these cables.
The phenomenon commonly referred to, as “burn-in” is confusing to some people. I
prefer to think of the phenomenon as the conditioning of the system with continued use.
Normally we think of the audio system in the macroscopic world with chasses, cables and
terminals. But the phenomenon of burn-in is actually a polarization of effects at a
microscopic level. This microscopic world might be as little as a few thousandths of an
inch along the length of conductors within a cable; the thickness of one to 3 sheets of
paper. At this level one can almost visualize the subtle electromagnetic waves around the
conductive wire. These waves are moving through the dielectric (primary insulation)
around the conductor. There is a problem at this microscopic level; not all frequencies
carried by the electromagnetic waves will pass at the same amplitude at every point in the
length of the conductive wire. For example, at some point along the conductor, there may
be a tiny point of oxidation, and this will limit the range of high frequencies that can pass
easily at the same amplitude, perhaps turning AC into DC and creating random audible
noise in the cable. At other points, imagine air-gaps between the conductor and the
insulation near the conductor surface. These tiny differences cause changes with respect
to the different frequencies that are “stored and released” from conductor to dielectric and
back again.
In the macro world of the devices within the audio components, similar effects are
designed for deliberate and specific functions. The devices used are called “diodes” and
“capacitors” and they are designed to limit the frequency range in different ways.
In the audio components of the audio system, the stabilization of these component
devices is optimized when the audio component has been turned on and in continued use
for a period of time. This optimal condition is enhanced by the continued use of the audio
components in any audio system. Loudspeaker systems may require over 200-300 hours
of use before the individual drivers can “break-in” mechanically. Depending on the
design topology and the particular electronic devices within the audio components, audio
electronics require many hours to hundreds of hours to become properly conditioned and
All brands of cables from the simplest designs, to the most complex, require conditioning
and stabilization, ranging from those that utilize very minimal amounts of dielectric or
plastic layers in their construction, to those that use multiple layers of plastics and/or
complex multi-conductor arrangements.
Within a cable, in the microscopic world around the audio conductors, stabilization
happens when the electromagnetic wave of the musical signal, a continuous AC
waveform, travels uniformly through as much of the tiny diode-like or capacitor-like
sections along the conductors within the cable.
The new CASCADE Noise Burn-in Disc is designed to completely condition the
capacitive and diode-like effects within audio components and audio cables. The result is
a more coherent and extended high frequency reproduction without glare, along with a
sense of ease in the listening experience. This will be noticed after just a few hours of
using the CASCADE Noise Burn-in disc. Continued use of the disc, for just a few hours
at a time, or when you are able to run your audio system at normal listening levels for
many hours at a time will be extremely beneficial in improving the performance of all
audio cables and components.
Instructions for using the CASCADE Noise Burn-in Disc:
• Load the disc into your CD player or transport.
• Turn the volume to normal listening levels.
• Play in “continuous” or “repeat” mode for as many hours as is possible.
• Time to effect significant change will vary by system. A discernable difference will be
evident after a conditioning session of sufficient length.
• Repeat as often as possible until no discernable difference is evident. Your system is
now conditioned to optimum performance levels.
• Should you change any components in your system, conditioning should be repeated.
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